Patient Resources


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 970-565-7275


New Patient Information

Looking for a dentist in Cortez? We are accepting new patients at Cortez Family Dentistry. We welcome you to the practice and our dental family. Please call the office at 970-565-7275 so that we can reserve time for you in our schedule. Your first appointment may include an exam, cleaning schedule analysis accompanied by x-rays. A professional cleaning may also be performed depending upon your needs. If you have specific needs that may include a deeper cleaning, you may be required to make an additional appointment or visit a periodontal specialist.

When you arrive, you will receive the New Patient Package. Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes before your appointment, as you will need to fill out a health survey and go over our office policies.

One of our professional hygienists will provide a thorough professional teeth cleaning and explain proper home care procedures. Once the cleaning is complete, the doctor will come in and introduce himself and get to know you. He will ask you what your concerns are and complete an examination. The doctor and the staff will discuss long term options with you and make plans for your specific needs for dental health.

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Insurance Information

At Cortez Family Dentistry, we understand that navigating the world of dental insurance can be a complex and sometimes confusing process. That's why we're here to make it easy for you. We work with a wide range of dental insurance providers to ensure that you receive the care you need while maximizing your insurance benefits.

Payment Options:

Cash & Check

Credit Cards

Pay Online

Post Extraction Home Care

  • Rinsing:

    Do not rinse your mouth today.  Tomorrow, rinse your mouth gently, every three to four hours, especially after meals using one quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.  Continue rinses for several days.

  • Bleeding:

    Following extractions, some bleeding may occur and is to be expected.  If persistent bleeding occurs, place gauze pads over the bleeding location and bite down to apply pressure for thirty minutes.  Repeat as necessary.

  • Swelling:

    Use a small bag of ice cubes or crushed ice wrapped in a cloth.  Apply the ice in the cloth to the affected location for thirty minutes.  Remove ice for thirty minutes.  Repeat ice treatments off and on for four to five hours.

  • Pain:

    For mild to average pain use any non-aspirin type of medication.

  • Food:

    A lighter diet is advisable during the first 24 hours after the extraction.

  • Bony Edges:

    Small, sharp bone fragments may work their way through the gums during the healing process.  These are not roots.  If they are bothersome, please return the office for their removal.

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